The VoLTE Roaming Journey, When and How to Launch VoLTE Roaming: Free Whitepaper Download and Webinar Replay

VoLTE roaming represents an extraordinary evolution in mobile telecommunications allowing roaming mobile subscribers the ability to experience VoLTE features including superior voice quality and faster call setup times while traveling into a visited network.

With the continued transition away from legacy networks in favor of 5G, the need for roaming service providers to continue working together enabling a consistent and enhanced voice experience for mobile users worldwide becomes even more crucial.

In this new white paper from Syniverse and Kaleido Intelligence, 114 global operators were surveyed on their strategies and plans around the implementation of VoLTE roaming.

Key Survey Findings include:

Increased VoLTE Roaming MNO Prioritization: VoLTE roaming has gained significant importance, with 81% indicating an increased level of priority compared to previous years and 15% transitioning VoLTE roaming into a key operational priority.

VoLTE Roaming Launch Plans: By the end of 2024, all participating operators anticipate having VoLTE roaming agreements in place, indicating a higher level of commitment compared to previous years.

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