Employee Spotlight: Ajit Kumar

Synergy’s Employee Spotlight series profiles some of the best and brightest of Syniverse who make mobile work for our customers around the world.

What’s your title and role at Syniverse?
I’m Associate Lead System Engineer in Syniverse’s Service Provider Group. I work at the Bangalore office and support production and development for multiple products.

How long have you been at Syniverse?
Almost four years. I started as System Administrator for part of Syniverse’ s roaming, messaging, network and fraud products, and I later became part of a global team supporting a wide range of Syniverse products.

What are you working on this month?
I have two major projects going on. I’m working on a project to build a database cluster for some of our clearing products that will greatly upgrade and expand our database functionality. I’m also working on an asset inventory of data clearing in India that will enable us to provide more efficient service and fine-tune some of our technologies. In addition to these projects, I also have a number of day-to-day operational support responsibilities, such as fulfilling customer requests, maintenance requests and update requests related to our production environment. These include requests for projects like new builds, new software installations and technical troubleshooting.

What’s one of the most valuable lessons you’ve gained during your career in mobile?
No matter how experienced and proficient you may be in any one area, the mobile industry is so fast-moving that you must make it a priority to always stay up with the newest technologies. This is critical so that you can not only be prepared to integrate these technologies, but so that you can adapt current technologies to work with the new ones.

What’s been one of your best moments at Syniverse?
One of my best moments was the migration of our data centers from Tampa to new facilities in Chicago and Dallas. This was one of the longest and most challenging projects I’ve worked on, but also one of the most satisfying and rewarding. It was a global project requiring multiple teams to coordinate across many time zones and work on a number of complex problems. But in the end, our System Administration team achieved a smooth and successful migration, and the way that everyone worked together to make it a success made the project extremely rewarding. Additionally, the new data centers in Chicago and Dallas now provide a much more stable and robust environment for our business.

What’s one of the best things about working at Syniverse?
The teamwork. We have an amazing team spirit in our company and an ability for everyone to work across different groups. When dealing with deadlines and timelines, we all come together and work as one. Our recently realigned global System Administration team is now able to support all our customers across the globe even more efficiently and proficiently now.

Tell us about your mobile lifestyle. What kind of mobile phone do you use?
I use a Samsung Galaxy A5.

What’s your favorite app or tool on your phone?
My Galaxy app, a multipurpose Samsung app that enables me to shop, learn and have fun with a number of functions. Another favorite one is Google Maps, which helps me to get correct directions to go anywhere quickly and easily.

In the last year, what’s the longest you’ve gone without using your phone?
Two days, when I accidentally left my phone at home during a weekend trip with family.

What do you like to do outside of work?
I’m fortunate to have a lot of family members and college friends close by, so I enjoy getting together with them for different social outings.


Visiting Ajanta Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Central India, with my wife and family.

Visiting Ajanta Caves, a UNESCO World Heritage site in Central India, with my wife (center) and family.


With my wife at Dhanushkodi, a city on the coast of Southern India.

With my wife at Dhanushkodi, a city on the coast of Southern India.


Me at a recent Syniverse party at our Bangalore office.

At a recent party at our Bangalore office.


Ajit Kumar is Associate Lead System Engineer and works at Syniverse’s office in Bangalore, India.



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